9 benefits of using self-tanner

There is nothing more attractive than a woman who knows she’s beautiful. Be that confident woman you want to be and have that healthy glow. You can finally have a smooth, hydrated tanned skin by discovering the 10 main reasons why the modern, trendy woman chooses to use self tanning products today. 

  • 1. It’s safer for your skin

Self tanning products are way better for your skin than the toxic UV rays from the sun or a sunbed! Normally, you want to have a nice tan every once in a while, but please go for a safe alternative. It’s no longer necessary to expose your skin to harmful radiation to get a tan. 

  • 2. Your skin doesn’t age as fast

Stop with the desperate search for every tiny ray of sun. Every time the result is that you’re turned into a burned lobster who turns into a crocodile and after that into an old sourpuss. Your skin is one of the most powerful weapons to boost your charisma. Take care of it in a loving manner. Ignore the sun. You only have one skin, don’t ruin it! Most self tanning products have a nourishing formula that feeds your skin with vitamins and anti-oxidants. They’re not just safer for your skin, but they also contain hydrating and nourishing features that give your skin that extra glow.

  • 3. You get tan really quick

In just one hour you’ll have a natural, sun kissed tanned skin. It doesn’t get any faster and easier than that, right? Last minute invitation for a cool party? You can just wear your yellow dress without any trouble. Just use your self tanner. Done. No time? No problem. You’ll have the perfect tan instantly. 

  • 4. You can choose how tan you want to be

By experimenting with the colour guides of your self tan product, you can choose how tan you want to be. You can let the mousse sink in for 1 hour to get the most natural result. But you can also wash it off after 3 (or more) hours to get a beautiful, dark brown tan! 

  • 5. Your teeth look whiter

Along with your beautiful tan, your teeth will appear whiter as well. That’s because you’re creating a bigger contrast between the colour of your skin and the colour of your teeth. 

  • 6. Your body looks thinner

Tanned skin helps hiding imperfections and gives you an instant slimmer look. This is because a tan creates shadows in all the right places. Now you’ll even feel more confident than ever! 

  • 7. Your tan is easy to maintain 

Getting your tan isn’t just easier, even the maintaining of your tan takes very little effort. Maintain your beautiful skin tone by moisturizing your skin every day with a hydrating body lotion. 

  • 8. You can choose your colour

Self-tanner products come in different tones to try out. Enjoy the southern European sun one time, and go for the Brazilian tan the next time. Do you want a deep brown tan or a golden brown glow? Or do you prefer a sun kissed look? Or a healthy glow in winter?  

  • 9. You have a beautiful tan all year long 

If the sun is gone, your tan is gone? Self tanning products make sure that you can enjoy a glowing tanned skin tone all tear long!